December 2023 Heidelberg
> Welcome to RecoDID
ReCoDID (‘Reconciliation of Cohort data in Infectious Diseases’), is a four-year project supported by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme and by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Genetics (CIHR-IG). The consortium brings together a multidisciplinary team from four continents to fast track the research response to viruses and other pathogens by facilitating data and sample sharing between infectious disease cohort studies.
> Latest News
ReCoDID Researchers Unveil Insights at ASTMH: Advancing ZIKV Cohort Studies
Chicago, October 18-22, 2023 – This year,...
Final ReCoDID Hybrid Meeting (Dec 11-12)
The upcoming final ReCoDID meeting will be an...
Meeting with Serotracker Team in Seattle at the ASTMH conference
In November members from ReCODID, Colorado...