ReCoDID Researchers Unveil Insights at ASTMH: Advancing ZIKV Cohort Studies
Chicago, October 18-22, 2023 – This year, researchers from the ReCoDID project participated at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene...

Final ReCoDID Hybrid Meeting (Dec 11-12)
The upcoming final ReCoDID meeting will be an engaging culmination of the project's journey. With a focus on celebrating the considerable...
Meeting with Serotracker Team in Seattle at the ASTMH conference
In November members from ReCODID, Colorado School of Public Health, EMBL-EBI, University of Calgary and SeroTracker met to collaborate on a new...
Virtual Biorepository System (VBS)- South Africa
In an online workshop on December 7, 2021, in collaboration with PATH and ReCoDID and hosted by The Global Health Network (TGHN), continued efforts...
CORDIS article
We are pleased to inform you that CORDIS journalists have recently covered our projects, based on public information available online. The News...
broad consent for future use of data and samples
We were thrilled to present our research on broad consent for future use of data and samples from biomedical research at the 2023 inaugural...
open-access toolkit
ReCoDID is thrilled to announce the launch of our open-access toolkit to streamline the process of implementing and managing Individual Participant...

RECODID Stakeholder Meeting October 17-19th 2022
> EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton - United Kingdom > Online via Zoom REGISTRATION FORM Please register for the meeting using...

Reconciliation of Cohort data in Infectious Diseases
> ReCoDID has been finishing the "Final Report on Future Data Sharing Specifications" from the Zika consortia Currently the ReCoDID group is working...

ReCoDID project promotes collaboration in genetic research and cross-information sharing
Novel statistical methods for confronting measurement error in the context of individual participant data meta-analysis February 2021 EUCAN ELSI...