> ReCoDID has been finishing the “Final Report on Future Data Sharing Specifications” from the Zika consortia
Currently the ReCoDID group is working on compiling an “Important Documents” link on the ReCoDID website that would contain important forms and templates for data sharing, standard contractual clauses, GDPR, etc.

These forms are all publicly available, however, having them housed in one place would be a beneficial and convenient resource for everyone.
ReCoDID (“Reconciliation of Cohort Data in Infectious Diseases”) is a Horizon 2020 project funded by the European Commission (EC) and the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR).
The idea for the project was conceived when Dr. Jaenisch and colleagues from the ZIKAlliance – a multinational, multidisciplinary research consortium consisting of 54 partners worldwide and funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program – were faced with the challenging task of combining large datasets across the three EU-funded Zika cohort projects (including ZikaPLAN and ZIKAction) in order to enable researchers to ask public health-relevant questions about Zika virus (ZIKV) in the merged datasets.
The ReCoDID team this month has been working to finalize the “Final Report on Future Data Sharing Specifications,” which will facilitate the use of their own high-dimensional epidemiological and omics data, and which will foster a better connection between researchers and the Open Science community.
The ZIKAlliance project mentioned above, coordinated by Prof. Xavier de Lamballerie in Inserm, France, has served as one of the main contributors to ReCoDID, for example, providing the data needed to foster the development of the proposed analytical tools. ZIKAlliance’s work focuses on the outcomes of ZIKV infection during pregnancy; in order to pursue its research goals ZIKAlliance collaborates with ZikaPLAN and ZIKAction, with whom it actively engages in cross-cohort research.
This close connection between ZIKAlliance, COMPARE, EVAg and ReCoDID has allowed to Provide a summary of our experience regarding data harmonization, metadata extraction and data sharing.
> This includes a roadmap for data sharing in the epidemic response that builds on lessons learned in data sharing during and after the ZIKV pandemic

ZIKAlliance is a multidisciplinary project with a global “One Health” approach, built on (i) a multi‐centric network of clinical cohorts in the Caribbean, Central and South America; (ii) associated research sites in countries where the virus has been or is currently circulating (Africa, Asia, Polynesia) or at high risk for emergence (Reunion Island); (iii) a strong network of European and Brazilian clinical and basic research institutions; (iv) multiple interfaces with other scientific and public health programmes

The ZIKAction research consortium brings together 14 partners across South and Central America, the Caribbean and Europe with the complementary goals of 1) developing a multidisciplinary multinational ready-to-act network capable of rapidly addressing any maternal and paediatric research need arising from (re-)emerging infectious diseases including Zika virus and 2) conducting an interdisciplinary programme of research studies within this network to address key knowledge gaps relating to ZIKV epidemiology, natural history and pathogenesis, with a particular emphasis on maternal and child health. ZIKAction is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme and will collaborate on key activities with two other EC funded consortia (ZikaPLAN and ZIKAction).

ZikaPLAN (Zika Preparedness Latin American Network) brings together 25 leading research and public health organizations in Latin America, North America, Africa, Asia, and Europe to address the Zika virus outbreak and the many research and public health challenges it poses. The initiative aims to: address the knowledge gaps and needs in the current Zika outbreak to better understand the disease, prevent its spread and educate the affected populations, and build a sustainable response capacity in Latin America for Zika and other emerging infectious diseases (EID).